Week of 10/10-10/14

(PK 4 students waiting in line for the turtle running game. This game required a lot of self control and direction following.)

Dear families, 

Last week we shared about ways that we help ourselves regulate. This week I want to share another executive function skill--self control. Self-control is something that happens after we are able to self-regulate and able to access our optimal thinking brains. 

Some of the playful ways we have been introducing this skill has been through freeze dance, making up games that require us to wait, following our daily routines along with many other things. 

Check out these resources below about how to support self-regulation at home, as well as playful ways to build on self-control. 

-Parent resource about self-regulation. 

-Parent resource about helping children gain self-control. 

-Freeze dance song! If you want to make the freeze dance more challenging try giving your child a specific pose to make when the song freezes. 

After our forest adventure on Tuesday, we came back with one item each and sorted them on a big piece of paper. Everyone was so thoughtful about making sure each friend had a turn to sort. 

In our PK 3 group we have been very curious about worms and bugs! They have been tapping into some scientific thinking and closely observing the characteristics of the worms and bugs. Some of their observations have been about the length of the worms and the movements of the bugs. 

Ski and Skate Sale:

Each year the Waitsfield PTA hosts a fundraiser through the Ski and Skate Sale. This is the one fundraiser they do for the whole year to support many things in the school and for preschool. (Our new playground equipment came from the PTA!)

If you or anyone you know has the capacity to volunteer or offer to make food for the volunteers, please check out the message below: 

"If you haven't yet signed up to work at the ski & skate sale, we still have 35 volunteer slots that we need filled. If you can possibly volunteer, or have friends or family who can volunteer, please sign up here (or share this message with them!) Please share this message widely!

Specifically we still need: 
  • afternoon cashiers, 
  • door guards 10ish-1ish and 
  • afternoon tent and lodge sales. 

If you can't volunteer in person, we still need lasagna and other food items (sign up here

Thank you!"


Please check your child's bag for their school photos. PK 4 students were given theirs yesterday. PK 3 students will have them on Monday. 


Lunch Menu

Student Absent Form


-October 16th Ski and Skate Sale


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